Your partner in British Dutch Business

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One of the main reasons businesses join membership is to be better connected to companies and individuals.  With that in mind, the NBCC is pleased to announce a new series of networking events for 2023 to enhance the spirit of relationship-building and collaboration.  

The format is quite simple, come along and talk to as many people as you can! Then the real work begins of building your business network.  Don’t worry, we can help with this so don’t be shy, come and support your fellow members as we work to build our community.  

These events will give you the opportunity to: 

  • Hear from an interesting and relevant speaker on a business topic 
  • Gain insight into who is in the room through a series of quick, focused meetings 
  • Meet more formally with key people identified
  • Prepare your follow-up plan for relationship building 

Whilst these events for FREE to members, places will be limited to ensure we can maximise the opportunities available.   

Keep a close eye on your inbox and our website for our event dates for 2023.